
Deep Analytics to Track Everything



The proliferation of mobile phone usage among US adults is on a steady incline, increasing from 248.0 million users in 2021 to an estimated 253.3 million by 2023. This continued expansion reflects a robust adoption of mobile technologies, further accelerated by the versatility of mobile devices in facilitating work, leisure, and social connections in today’s digital age. This surge underscores the critical window of opportunity for organizations to harness innovative digital strategies to enhance engagement, educate their target demographics, and forge new connections.

At this juncture, the strategic implementation of digital campaigns presents an invaluable tool for businesses aiming to capitalize on this digital expansion. Each campaign benefits from meticulous tracking through a bespoke analytics dashboard, offering near real-time insights. This enables clients to continuously monitor performance metrics and accurately measure return on investment (ROI) through easily exportable reports.

Trihelix stands at the vanguard of this digital evolution, offering holistic campaign solutions that are seamlessly executed from inception to completion. Our services encompass content creation, consistent campaign oversight, tailored analytics dashboards, and unparalleled customer service and support across every phase of the project lifecycle.

By leveraging state-of-the-art technologies, Trihelix ensures your message achieves widespread distribution across targeted industries, maximizing visibility and impact. Embrace the future of digital engagement with Trihelix, where innovative solutions meet strategic execution.

Strategic Advertising Solutions

Polygonal Location Based Advertising

Near Real Time Analytics

Precise Audience Targeting

Artwork Creation

Landing Page Development

Marketing & Sales Funnels

Device Targeting & Tracking

Foot-Traffic Analysis

Property Visitation Reporting

Location Intelligence

Audience Curation & Isolation

Correlation & Attribution

Elevate Engagement Strategies

Empower and Enlighten Your Audience

Embrace the perspective of your target audience, utilizing your advertising efforts as a tool to enrich and enlighten, thereby fostering growth. Today’s consumers seek insights and knowledge over mere sales pitches, desiring comprehensive information to inform their decisions.

Harness Comprehensive Analytics

Navigate with Data-Driven Precision

The power of timely data transforms advertising strategies, enabling immediate, informed adjustments to your campaigns. With the agility to refine content based on live feedback, our approach is not about reacting but proactively evolving to align with audience needs.

Refine Strategies with Iterative Insights

Adapt and Evolve Through Continuous Learning

One of the benefits of relying on real-time data is that it affords you the ability to make abrupt changes to a campaign on the fly. There’s no need to be reactionary when we can proactively adjust our content to meet the needs of our audience.